Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 15, 2010 "WHAT? ME WEARY?

Dearest Lord, we thank you for yet another sunrise, another morning, another opportunity to embrace the day, embrace life and embrace grace. Should we ask ourselves if we take for granted the fact that our lungs took in breath and eyes opened? Did we, in the moment of our waking, begin to obsess about the day, the hours and the minutes that lie ahead of us awaiting our decisions about all that must be accomplished. Are we able to understand the invitation to participate in the Sabbath...rest? In this sacred time let our thoughts meander through your spiritual realm, pondering the eternal, lingering gently in the ethereal, wondering and smiling always at the extravagance of your love. Teach our bodies and our minds to rest and take their repose in You, O Lord, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen
I confessed it, out loud in front of witnesses just the other day: “There is one thing that can panic me and make lose my cool and that is a “zero” balance in my bank accounts...savings and checking.” I won’t dare to say “we have all been there,” but I am sure I am not alone in this heart dropping, eye popping, throat gulping, cold sweat producing experience. Indeed I only had a few table scraps to feed the yowling monster to tide it over for a day or two until other resources arrived. In sympathy I offered up a prayer for the church’s Financial Secretary and Treasurer who I am pretty sure break into a cold sweat every week of the long hot sparse offering summer.

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