Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 20, 2013 "Who's Got the Powah?"

Glorious God it is a pleasure to be here in the company of all who would adore you and love singing praises to your name. We are energized in our bodies, affirmed in our faith, and validated in our pursuit of spirituality and holiness. We confess that at times we are slow to comprehend your will for us and our anxiousness and frustration shows. We live in a fast-paced society where expectations of the individual are many and human need is great. We pray not to lose heart or feel overburdened by the weight of society’s demands. We pray not to lose heart or feel defeated by overwhelming human need. Remind us Loving Abba, that in the race between the tortoise and the hare, persistence won the race not speed. Teach us to embrace a persistent faith putting one foot in front of the other, keeping to the path as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus. In his name we pray. Amen.
The other day I was meeting with some of the church’s leaders and the subject of the budget shortfall, which we will be facing in December, came up. I reminded them all of the delightful gift we received about a month ago. We were groaning about the $10,000 deductible on our insurance policy for water damage claims when we received a gift for precisely that amount from a bequest. A man no one even remembers named the church as a beneficiary in his will, many years ago. The small percentage of his estate he designated for us turned out to be the exact amount we needed to make the necessary repairs to this sanctuary. I asked those leaders if they have named the church in their wills. Five or six year ago I named the church as a beneficiary of my estate. When I die the amount may not be grand, but I have been shown the power a decision made some years ago can have in the life of the church today.
Gracious God keep us mindful of your part in our lives. Remind us that these gifts are not controlled by our will, but yours. Bless them O God. Empower these gifts for greater deeds, deeds of kindness, compassion and mercy. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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