Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April 29, 2012 "BEARING THE FAMILY TRAITS" (Part 2)

Wondrous and Loving Creator, true Sovereign of Hope, how amazing, indeed, is your grace, how abundant your forgiveness and how extravagant your mercy. We are at peace as we rest our spirits in your comforting presence. It seems so very simple to say it, but we confess that it is better than alright to be here. It is better than good to be in this sanctuary, in this moment of communion with you. Here we are invited, urged even, to unburden our souls. Here we can let go of anger, cast off shame and break the shackles of resentment. We can trade in those negative feelings that fetter us to the darkness and accept the gift of your grace. Sharpen our spiritual senses today gracious God. Open our eyes of understanding to visualize the light of Christ waiting to fill our hearts to overflowing. Help us to clear out the cobwebs of regret, and remove the tattered and worn curtains of secrecy, readying our heart space for radiating grace. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

It feels good to give, or it’s suppose to feel good to support your church financially. I think it must feel pretty yucky to attend church every week and never make a financial commitment, giving nothing, goose-egg, nada, zero. There are all types of givers and not-givers. Some folks put cash in the plate to remain anonymous. Some folks feel they can’t offer anything of significance and so pledge nothing. Some folks reason that giving time is like giving money to the church. Some folks won’t pledge and won’t give because the church has not lived up to their expectations. Some folks give a few dollars a year just to keep their name on the books. I confess I prefer to feel like the widow who gave the only two coins she had with no regrets. She felt privileged and glad to give. Jesus counted her most worthy.

Glorious God we are glad to work for the transformation of the world through our support of the church and its ministries. Our prayer is that all of the children of creation can come to know you and experience the abundance of your love and mercy. May our offerings help to bring relief to those in dire circumstances, oppressed, imprisoned, isolated, and forgotten, be they close at hand or far away. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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