Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 27, 2012 "CONQUERING THE WORLD" (Part 2)

Gracious and Ever-moving God, on this day of remembrance we celebrate the moment, the day of empowerment, when your Holy Spirit gave the disciples of Jesus their voices. You came, at last, and gave them the words to tell their stories — to proclaim aloud how their lives were changed when they answered the call to follow. Your promised Spirit, the Advocate and Counselor of Truth rushed, unmistakably, into the company of men and women moving them from uncertainty to certainty, from reticence to determination, from paralysis to action. Pour out your ever-renewing Spirit upon each of us present today. Help us speak truth to power as did the first Christians. Teach us to speak the good word, that enlightens, uplifts and assures even the most skeptical, burdened and alienated of your children. Transform us into a living gospel, of love, mercy and all things possible. Make us the vital, re-energized, truly alive body of your Christ in the world. In his name we pray. Amen.

Jean Smoot, Pat Myers, Sally Parisi, Tina Stormont, Carolyn Murdoch, Eileen Houghton, Lorna Range, Jane Prior, Nancy Nickolopoulos, Barbara Boettcher, Vera Glur, Ruth Pitts-Litman, Palu and Salesi KapuKapu, Beryl Ganzer, Janis Garland, June Glennon, are among the regulars who knit and crochet prayer shawls for the church’s thriving prayer shawl ministry. Since this special ministry began in 2005 at the urging of Rev. Dr. Kathryne Middle the church has given out nearly 500 prayer shawls to people all over the world. For the past three years we have designated Pentecost Sunday as a day to accept yarn gifts for the making of the prayer shawls. In truth we accept yarn gifts all year long; but today, especially, we give thanks for the loving hearts and hands that make these shawls that offer comfort to all who receive them.

Glorious God, pour out your passionate Spirit upon us, today as we support the uplifting, caring and powerful ministries carried out by the members of this church. We believe that the work of our hands, our presence in this community, and our reaching out in the name of the Christ is transforming lives, bringing the world one heart closer to its transformation. We pray that through our gifts and our work people from all walks of life will come to know and experience the abundance of your grace, love and mercy. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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