Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 25, 2012 "CHANCE OF A LIFETIME"

Gracious God, wondrous Sovereign of the Universe, gratefully we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving for the opportunity to greet the new day. We are ever mindful particularly during this season of Lent how fleeting is the time we have upon this earth and intend that our days should be spent in service and work that brings glory to your name. If we ever get embroiled in the politics of maneuvering for control, lobbying for power or jockeying for position, halt us in our tracks and show us the honorable way of truth. Teach us to embrace your way in all things. Let your wisdom rule in our hearts, casting out the spirits of distrust, malevolence or ill will. Be tenacious with us when we are tempted to act contrary to your commandments, keeping us attentive to your purposes for us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Glorious God, because our commitment to Jesus is a priority in our lives, so too, is our commitment to the vitality and work of this body of Christ — the church. We are, all of us, ministers in Christ’s name, ambassadors of the assurance of all things hoped for. Bless these gifts, O Lord, that they may empower your mission as we reach out to our community and the world bringing Good News and healing in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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