Wednesday, March 7, 2012

February 26, 2012 "WHO YA GONNA CALL"

Awesome and ever forgiving God, hear our heartfelt prayer. We confess our need to be reconciled to you in order that we may learn to be reconciled to each other. We are people of independent spirit, who know in our hearts that you are not only the giver of grace, but you are the ground of our being, the very source of our existence. Help us to understand that every moment is an opportunity to connect with you, to sense the participation of your spirit in our lives. Lead us during this season of Lent to the core of our being where we shall find our heart’s desire. If we should discover that we have neglected or starved our souls, nourish us by all the means of grace: on your word, in worship, by prayer, through fellowship and with communion. If we discover that we have never healed from a past injury, help us find the source of healing. If we discover that we are imprisoned by negativity, break the shackles that bind us and set us free. Teach us to be honest with you and ourselves as we journey toward holiness and spiritual maturity. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
I met with my accountant on Thursday to sort out my taxes. He also handles some of my investments and as we reviewed my limited portfolio he mentioned that the stock market was actually having a good morning. I don’t visit my investments on a regular basis, because they have done little to get me enthused about their performance. My accountant remarked that the stock market has been in the longest performance slump of its history — 12 years— that’s longer than the great depression, which was pretty much over in 10.
Gracious God, it is not with hesitancy or timidity that we offer these gifts. Neither do we give with robotic or automatic gestures. We give cheerfully, gratefully and thoughtfully reminding ourselves that our singular offering combined with the gifts brought by our brothers and sisters, can and will do great things to the glory of your name. Bless these gifts, we ask you in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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