Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 1, 2012 Palm Sunday ""NOT THE SEASON FOR FIGS"

Glorious and most wonderful God we are grateful for leading us here, for being an enduring, patient and merciful presence in our lives. On this triumphant Palm Sunday we are confronted by the call to rejoice with the revelers and disciples shouting Hosanna and the cross that looms in the distance. We confess our desire to leap ahead, to next Sunday, skipping the dark hours of Jesus’ time of trial. Give us the willingness and courage to go with him all the way, whether we fully understand your purposes or not. As we enter this Holy Week, may we see ourselves entering the gates of the Holy City, in the company of Jesus, at the ready, come what may. Like pilgrims on a journey cause us to curtail those activities that would keep us distant from Your story. Let us create time and space in our lives, letting go of errands and deadlines to sit at Jesus feet and listen to what he has to tell us. Let us bear with him, being marked by his words and his actions. Prod us to take up the cross of discipleship, empowering us to choose — humbling us to serve, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

The most significant week of the church year begins today, Palm Sunday — also known as Passion Sunday. In the tradition of the church Passion Sunday has focused on those biblical passages which tell of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus’ arrest and his crucifixion. We begin Holy week with the Triumphant Entry narrative. I encourage you to come and listen to the whole story. Come and live the passion that is Maundy Thursday and Good Friday exhausting yourselves thoroughly in preparing your broken hearts for what is to come.
Most High God, bless these gifts to the care of your creation. On this Palm Sunday, let us be those of triumphant hearts investing in your will and way for us without hesitation. Receive our faith, our hopes and our dreams for a just and sustainable world. These gifts are our loud Hosannas raised with ever grateful hearts. Pour out your wisdom upon us. Empower us to messengers of goodwill, not only in our words, but in our work as partners with you in bringing forth your kingdom. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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