Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 8, 2015 "GIFTS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE" Guest Preacher Rev. George Crisp

Gracious God of all, creator of the universe, we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving for this new day, and another opportunity to renew our faith and refresh our souls. Gathered together with these brothers and sisters, we realize that our faith grows stronger in their midst; we are aware of your Holy Spirit’s presence and our hearts are warmed. Some of our number are walking and dancing down the parade route today, like David they glorifying your name and inviting everyone in Palm Springs to Gravitate to you and Experience your “Yes.” We pray your blessing upon them, that the message they carry will be heard and received. And bless our worship, dearest LORD, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
“Find a penny, pick it up and all the day you’ll have good luck.” In the 20th century, pennies joined the ranks of “chump change” along with nickels and dimes, because they were considered small and insignificant; worth something only to fools and blockheads. I never hesitate to pick up coins, copper or otherwise, when I find them on the pavement, not because I consider that picking them up will bring me good luck, but because I can put them to good use. The more pennies the more good uses. Chump change is in the eye of the beholder and no gift to the LORD is insignificant. The ushers will now come forward to receive the offering.
Gracious God, we have given thoughtfully and reverently the to the support and edification of Christ’s church. Help us to see that our gifts are not swallowed up by some invisible bureaucracy, but help in so many ways to refresh the souls of those who hunger and thirst for new life. We are blessed and so in turn seek to bless others. For all that we are and have, wondrous God, we give thanks and praise, in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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