Tuesday, July 23, 2013

June 23, 2013 "ONE IN CHRIST"

God, our creator, is neither distant nor afar off, never casual or detached, but always close at hand, vigilant and searching to be a part of our lives even when we try to hide behind rocks.
In Jesus we discover that God knows all of the sorrows and trials the human heart bears in a lifetime. Because God would not abandon the Beloved One to death on a cross, but raised him from the dead; we are assured that God will not abandon us even if we should abandon ourselves.
The Holy Spirit was, is and will be poured out in fullest measure upon all who seek God. This outpouring fulfills another promise reminding us of God’s hope that we should know joy in this life and the next.
In all our diverse shapes, colors and sizes we are part of God’s colorful creation mosaic, pieces of a vast and gloriously expanding puzzle that has no fixed boundaries up, down, behind or before – we are the church.
Thanks be to God! Amen. (***) Written with thanks to Paul Achtemeier by Rev. Dr. Amanda J. Burr
Gracious and Loving Lord, there is, in truth, nothing more wondrous in life than to have a sense that the songs we sing, the prayers we offer and the work we do, pleases you. The very idea of your smiling countenance looking upon us, is what strangely warms us from the inside out and gives us the strength, determination and energy to continue in service to you and your creation. We pray not to get so caught up in our own projects that we fail to see the larger picture. Help us to be moved and inspired by the vision of others; to see how embracing their idea, or involving ourselves in their efforts will advance the mission of transformation and a renewal of all that you created and saw was good in the beginning. We are your instruments of peace and renewal. Empower us to do your will in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
I leave for Guatemala tomorrow morning. I will take with me one of our prayer shawls to give to our friend Juan Toj who has been ill. I am not going on vacation, but to work with Interfaith Action International’s Guatemala Mission Project, which was begun 21 years ago by Carol Conger-Cross. You may think that putting wood efficiency stoves in a few peoples’ homes, doesn’t accomplish a lot, but it does. Less wood used to cook means less deforestation. Less deforestation means fewer devastating mudslides when it rains. No smoke in the kitchen means fewer deaths from years of smoke inhalation. The long and short of it our work means fewer broken people, fewer broken families and fewer broken lives. Now that’s a good thing. If you wish to donate to the mission project, please designate your gift for Interfaith Action International.
Pour out your glorious Spirit of Blessing upon these our offerings most loving and gracious Lord. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide glorify your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing, however we give not because of our indebtedness, but because of our gratefulness. We offer our thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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