Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 12, 2013 "WE ARE ANANIAS"

Glorious and wondrous God, we have come into this sanctuary not only to worship you and praise your name, but to adventure in your word as we mine the messages within your holy scriptures. The stories of changed lives and changed people are told to invite us not intimidate us. They are meant to stir our thoughts and awaken our senses to the nature of call. For, indeed you call each of us to serve you and your creation. Serving you, serving your church, serving your people, is how we live responsively to your unbounded grace. We confess that we are not always aware or in tune with our particular gifts. We need your input and ideas. Our prayer is that you will help us discover new gifts, or rediscover those we have allowed to get rusty with disuse. By saying “YES” when you call us to action our adventure begins. When we stop focusing on our own agenda and open ourselves to yours we are renewed. Thank You always, in the name of the Christ. Amen.
When I say the words temper tantrum, what comes to mind? Do you picture a toddler lying in the middle of the floor in your local grocery store, crying, screaming and kicking his or her tiny feet? Do you see a pouty mouthed 5 year old giving a petulant stare, arms akimbo as he or she shouts a foot-stomping, “NO!” That’s how we responded as children when we wanted something we couldn’t have or were asked to do something we didn’t want to do. How do we respond as adults when we are asked to give up something for a larger idea or are called upon to do something we already know will be difficult or dangerous? Some of us will react like children and some of us will try to negotiate. When we professed our faith in Jesus Christ we made a promise to be ready the moment God called us into action.
Lord bless these gifts as instruments of your will. Put them into action to for the good of your creation, and for the sake of all who need you, who need to know you are there for them every moment, every step along life’s way. We give eagerly without hesitation, grateful for the blessings we enjoy. Let the work of our hands and the prayers of our hearts testify to your unreserved presence in our lives. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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