Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 5, 2013 "NO STOPPING US NOW Part 3" WOW

Gracious God the mission you set before us is not an impossible one, but it seems to challenge us at every turn. We confess how difficult it is for us to let go of our dreams, our goals, and our opinions about what is best for us as well as others. We confess how very hard it is to let go of our own agendas, as if desiring to put a halter and reins upon your Holy Spirit, imagining that we can steer your course, moving the church forward in the direction we choose. Like the religious authorities who were affronted by the obedience of Jesus’ Apostles, we feel anxious and even threatened by those who would lead us away from our comfort zone. Teach us to trust in you, confident that you will always lead us in the way we should go. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Not until Chapter 10 of his first book, “The Pickwick Papers” does Charles Dickens introduce the character of Sam Weller. Immediately Dicken’s readership went from 500 to 40,000. An ordinary man of immense practical wisdom, Sam becomes Mr. Pickwick’s manservant and is always rescuing Mr. Pickwick from himself. When Pickwick narrowly escapes the wrong room at the inn — occupied by A MIDDLE-AGED LADY IN YELLOW CURL-PAPERS — he is greatly relieved when Sam finds him cowering in a dark corner in his nightgown. Pickwick says:  If I were to stop in this inn for six months, I would never trust myself about it, alone, again.' I’ll translate Sam’s response: 'That's the most prudent resolution you could come to, Sir. You rather want somebody looking after you, when your judgment goes out visiting.' I think The body of Christ is sort of our Sam Weller when our judgment goes out visiting. Let us keep it vital and alive.
Lord, bless our tithes and gifts to your service. We offer them with grateful hearts and pray that you will transform them into instruments of peace, liberty, rescue and goodwill. With your blessing, they will bring light into someone’s darkness and hope to someone who has known only despair. May the work of our hands, the prayers of our hearts, and the gifts we give, witness to your unreserved presence in our lives. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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