Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Dr. Eddy McLachlan Preached at Palm Springs on this morning
Gracious and Everliving God, we are grateful for this day and this opportunity to thank you once again for seeking us and finding us. Rarely do we think about it, and it’s probably true that we take our found-ness for granted. We confess we have a tendency to give ourselves credit for finding you when, in fact, you are the one who came looking for us to include us among the found. Shape us into your community of grace and celebration rejoicing with you when you give the newly-found into our care. Let us never be smug about your grace or our own well being. Let us remember that each of us was once among the lost. Cause us to realize that the one lost sheep, when found, completes the ninety-nine, just as the one coin when found completes the nine. Forgive us if we act slighted by your concern for strays and remind us that everyone is invited to the party to celebrate with you. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Do you remember the lost and found at school when you were growing up? Lone mittens, hats, sweaters, jackets, dirty gym socks, things left behind, or dropped from satchels were retrieved by some caring individual and placed in the lost and found for safe keeping until the rightful owner came to retrieve them. Rev. Amanda lost her credit card once. Actually she left it at Applebee's by mistake and as soon as she realized it she called to let them know she was on her way back to the restaurant to retrieve it. She had to show two forms of ID and expected to be asked for a DNA sample to get her card back. How nice it would have been if the restaurant manager had rejoiced with her that what she lost was found. Giving generously to Christ’s church is one way of rejoicing and celebrating that you belong to the found of God.
Gracious and Loving God, pour out your Spirit of joy and plenty upon these tithes and offerings that they may be instruments of your mercy and goodwill. May every ministry they support, every program they nurture, every comfort they provide bring glory to your name. We are indebted to you for our every breath and blessing; we give generously to your church not out of indebtedness, but out of gratefulness, or all that we have and all that we give. Thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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