Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 3, 2013 "ALWAYS ROOM FOR MORE"

Glorious God we are mindful of your many blessings and are grateful for the abilities you have bestowed upon us, in our bodies and in our minds. We are never more cognizant of the fragile nature of our beings than when our bodies fail us and our thinking is compromised. When we, ourselves, fall or are hurt; when we ourselves, develop a debilitating condition, we are mindful of those who have weathered such trials and traumas long before us. Make us “can-do” ministers seeking to ease the way for all to worship and adore you. O God, of all things possible, craft in us imaginative, willing spirits that trust in the endurance of your grace, which has accompanied us at our worst and at our best. We are servants of your Christ, transformed by his life and his love ready to continue his healing work upon the earth. Empower us, Lord, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
We are a community of faith seeking to accommodate everyone who enters this sanctuary to worship God. Our ushers and stewards are alert to the needs of those members and visitors who use assistive devices to come in and worship. We have a system which is suppose to help our members who are hearing impaired, but it needs to be upgraded. We have lots of blue outlined parking spots, yet even with these efforts it’s hard for someone in a wheelchair to find an accessible bathroom. Let us be reconciled in our efforts to welcome people of all abilities, ages, races, statuses, orientations and identities. The ushers will now come forward to collect the offering.
Gracious God keep us mindful of your part in our lives. Remind us that these gifts are not controlled by our will, but yours. Bless them O God. Empower these gifts for greater deeds, deeds of kindness, compassion and mercy. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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