Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 15, 2013 "OPEN WIDE THE DOORS"

God is the true beginning, having created from nothingness all that is, moves, breathes and has life. God moves through time and space, ever faithful, ever vigilant, ever present, and ever becoming.
God gave birth to hope in the prince of peace, who arrived without fanfare to heal a hurting and broken world. Jesus lived out the commandment to love, sacrificing himself for our sakes, because he valued us more than his own life.
We believe the promise of life beyond life, because true to his word, and again, without fanfare, God raised Jesus from the dead.
We believe that God’s Grace is further manifested by the Holy Spirit who desires to warm our hearts and revive our spirits with hope, peace, joy and love.
God makes all things new again and again and again. Thanks be to God!
Gracious God in this Advent season we long to be reminded of the moments in our lives when we have known and experienced true joy. These would have been moments of blessing when our hearts were filled to overflowing with your presence. It was Joy, wasn’t it, shining on our face when that baby first smiled at us and, O God, weren’t those tears of overwhelming joy and relief running from our eyes the day that child of ours, that brother, sister, husband or wife came home from the war. And, Dearest Lord there were times when we were invited to share in the joys of others. Did we embrace their joy, or did we envy them? Help us cherish joy as it comes to us and to others. Let this most profound emotion lift our spirits and warm our hearts, no matter who is rejoicing. Help us comprehend that your greatest desire is that every one of your children should know joy in this life and that you seek to give it to us in abundance. We are preparing our hearts to receive your promised gift. Like Mary, our spirits will rejoice in God our savior. Amen.
Our December challenge continues in this it’s 3rd week. I want to thank all of you who have responded without hesitation, cheerfully reaching deep into your hearts, as well as, your pockets to turn the numbers in the ledger from red ink to black. The $50,000 gap is closing and is now at $27,000. By your gifts given over and above your pledge-offering you have made a confession of faith —-yes, a confession of faith in the mission and ministries ongoing in this church. Because God has blessed you, you have eagerly blessed Christ’s church that we will continue to be ambassadors of Christ making disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.
In this season of advent we love to wear our Santa sweaters and Santa hats, but it is important that we, who call ourselves Christians, be aware of the message we are communicating to our children and our grandchildren. They seem more thrilled with the joy of getting and know little about the joy of giving. We haven’t taught them to thank God for the Christ child. I heard some children say just last week that they didn’t realize Christmas was a time of thanksgiving. “We thought giving thanks to God was something we did only on Thanksgiving.” In our children’s presence we must acknowledge and give thanks to God for the gift of Jesus who will be with us and with our children through all their days, in times of turmoil and peace, doubt and certainty. Show them, by giving generously to God’s church, that His gift is greater than any that can be found at Toys R Us.

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