Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 11, 2018 "FIG SEASON"

We believe in God, the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself,
and carried that burden to the cross where he relinquished his own life for our sakes.
This act was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, but that he was raised from the dead,
and he will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks truth to all people, in every language.
Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit, and God’s presence within us is revealed.
As the church, and as members of the body of Christ in the world,
we believe we are called to make a difference in this world.
Thanks be to God.
O most loving and patient God, here within these walls we seek and find sanctuary from the frenzied world beyond our doors. But it is not the building itself that calms the heart and soothes the soul, it is the communion of hearts and souls united within. We share a purpose, which is to serve you and your creation. We share in the spiritual nourishment your word offers and the sacraments provide. When we sing and when we pray we are assured that our spirits connect with yours. With all that, we confess a desire to cling to what is familiar, and what is already known. Lord, help us to remember our days of daring, longing for all things new, when we trusted that you would be with us through thick and thin. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
I have a fig tree in my back yard. I imagine the previous owners of the house planted it to make fig jam. I regret to say that jam is not in my current cooking portfolio, but the tree does its job well when it is watered and pruned, producing pretty tasty figs. Let’s say the fig tree symbolizes the church. The expectation of the church as the body of Christ is to bear good fruit, and in so doing, glorify God. The fact is that those of us who follow Jesus need to be watered and pruned in order to bear the best fruit. I know we object highly to the pruning part, but the seasons of human life are full of occasions of pruning. So too are the seasons of the church as we experience endings and beginnings, as well as losses and gains. Jesus challenges the church to strive to be in season always. I believe it is doable if we let go of selfish motives and embrace our purpose supporting one another through all of life’s seasons.

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