Thursday, April 5, 2018


We believe we are created in the image of God, male and female.
Believing that God’s will for us is goodwill, we follow in the footsteps of God’s beloved Son,
Jesus the Christ.
We believe Jesus lived to forgive, and showed us that by serving one another,
we are connected to the heart of God.
We believe we share Jesus’ mission to bind up and heal the broken hearted.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our regrets and sorrows upon his own shoulders,
and bore them to the cross where they died with him.
Jesus was buried, but on the third day God raised him from the dead, as promised.
After Jesus’ resurrection, we believe God sent the Holy Spirit to empower Jesus’ followers.
The Holy Spirit was their ever-present advocate, counselor of truth, and companion.
We believe that same Spirit resides with us, interceding for us,
and empowering our work in the name of the Christ.
The Spirit reminds us daily to love God and one another as
the Christ loved us. Amen.
Gracious God thank you for pouring out your Spirit of wisdom upon the leadership of our annual conference. We truly believe you have been at work in their process of discernment. Today we let go of any remnant fear or anxiety about the future believing that in Reverend Jane, you are sending us a clergywoman who is truly called to the pastoral ministry, who is inspired by scripture, is resilient, energetic and enthusiastic, with a wonderful sense of humor. May she lead us onward to do great things, serving our community and the world, as we endeavor to shine the light of your love and goodwill all around us. In the name of the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Isn’t it interesting that when the Lenten season begins, we make a plan to ramp-up our spiritual discipline, and often our physical discipline, as well? We make an informed choice and a concerted effort to give up something we indulge in, or exchange a bad habit for a good one, or even add something altogether new to our daily lives. But when Lent is over and Holy Week has passed, what then? I think it is high time we embraced the 50 days between Resurrection Sunday and Pentecost as days of great opportunity not days full of waiting for something to happen. For the disciples, the 50 days following the resurrection were occasions for confronting next steps. Luke’s risen Christ instructed the disciples to get about building up their spiritual muscles, devoting themselves to prayer and each other. When Holy Week ends, I think many of today’s churches go on automatic pilot until Pentecost arrives, that is, if they are willing to acknowledge that Holy Day at all. On this Second Sunday in the season of Eastertide, let’s make a plan that will carry us through Pentecost and beyond. Let us dress our spirits in the bright colors of new beginnings, devoting ourselves to one another and the Spirit’s leading.

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