Saturday, June 9, 2018


In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters,
and brought the world into being.
That same Spirit breathes life into us.
The Spirit of God conceived a Messiah,
the Son and beloved One who would be the revelation of God’s steadfast love and mercy.
Throughout his life, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit.
When he died on the cross he commended his spirit into God’s keeping,
and God raised him from the dead.
This Spirit is THE VOICE that speaks to us in our present, moving ever onward
as the enlightened body of Christ into our future.
The Spirit teaches us to speak the language of salvation and empowers us to tell the stories of Jesus and his love.
The Spirit compels us to be at our spiciest when things look bleak,
to be the light in someone’s darkness, and to dance even when we are weary.
The Spirit urges us to be resilient and steadfast in our witness, while we have life and breath, proclaiming the Good News to and for all!
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Beloved Creator, we lift our prayer of praise and thanksgiving, assured of your ever-presence with us. From the beginning of all things, you have believed in your creation, unabashedly proclaiming that everything made with your hands was good. Help us to embrace without hesitation, without fear or timidity the goodness and authenticity you have breathed into each one of us. When we get anxious about what’s next, what’s new and different, what is to come, what may or may not change, remind us that you are walking with us through all of it. Who knows change better than you, anyway? Plant the seeds of possibility in our fertile hearts, O God, and we shall bring glorious things to flower in the name of the Christ. Amen.
The third verse of Hank William’s famous song goes like this: You'll never know how much it hurts to see you sit and cry. You know you need and want my love yet you're afraid to try
Why do you run and hide from life, to try it just ain't smart? Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold, cold heart?
I think similar words came tumbling from Jesus’ mouth any number of times as he encountered broken, hurting people in his ministry. As many as were healed, I am guessing there were many others who wouldn’t risk it, because that would require letting go of the past where the slights, hurts, disappointments, and regrets live. The church invites the whole world to risk being healed; the community of faith builds hearts of good courage to sustain it.

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