Thursday, May 17, 2018


In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters,
and brought the world into being.
That same Spirit breathes life into us.
The Spirit of God conceived a Messiah,
the Son and beloved One who would be the revelation of God’s steadfast love and mercy.
Throughout his life, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit.
When he died on the cross he commended his spirit into God’s keeping,
and God raised him from the dead.
This Spirit is THE VOICE that speaks to us in our present, moving ever onward
as the enlightened body of Christ into our future.
The Spirit teaches us to speak the language of salvation
and empowers us to tell the stories of Jesus and his love.
The Spirit compels us to be at our spiciest when things look bleak,
to be the light in someone’s darkness, and to dance even when we are weary.
The Spirit urges us to be resilient and steadfast in our witness,
while we have life and breath,
proclaiming the Good News to and for all!
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Wondrous and surprising God, today we celebrate the coming of your Holy Spirit. John proclaimed that the Spirit was gifted to Jesus’s disciples on the day of the resurrection. Luke wrote that the Holy Spirit came crashing in like a might wind on the day of Pentecost causing the 120 remaining disciples of Jesus to speak in foreign languages. And growing up in the church, we are taught that on the day of our Baptism we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. We confess that we are not always attuned to that Spirit at work in us, but we believe that when we are in synch with the Spirit, we are fully connected with you. O, Lord, when our hearts are one with yours, we can do marvelous things in your name. Help us not to get downhearted or put off, when our work is delayed or sidetracked by the workings of the world. Set our eyes, hearts, and minds on the prize which is forever and always, your kingdom come, upon the earth. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
How many of you are drawn to high-spirited people? We hope what they have is catching. I confess I am not drawn to people who are chronically low-spirited, because that can also be contagious. When people’s good spirits are in evidence we want to bask in the glow of their good vibrations. Further we describe people as free spirits and kindred spirits, or possessed of a holiday spirit, a willing spirit, a carefree or blithe spirit, a spirit of adventure and a fighting spirit. But how often have you described a kindred spirit as “Holy Spirited?” Right here, right now own that we are Holy Spirited people, thoroughly and completely possessed of the promised Holy Spirit individually and corporately. Let us celebrate our Holy Spiritedness as the ushers come forward to receive your high-spirited gifts.

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