Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Gracious God, Creator of the Universe, we are humbled in your presence and awed by your graciousness to us. We are in holiday mode remembering our nation’s decision and declaration to assert our independence from the English monarchy. Remind us loving Lord that we humans are never truly independent in life. We are dependent upon you for every breath we take. We pray always to be thoughtful in our encounters with each other. Pardon us when we are quick to jump to conclusions, recognizing the sins of others, absolutely certain that we know the score. We confess that sometimes we think too quickly, act too quickly, speak too quickly. Keep us mindful that our choices in this life matter and that you will be with us no matter what the outcome may be. We call upon your divine presence to show us the wise and better way in all of our encounters and in every circumstance of this life whether at work or at play. Let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in us, as we pray in his name. Amen.
I love to play bridge. It is a game of strategy and skill. A player must know the significance of the suit, how to bid, and in what order. Partners must know the code language of the suits to communicate what they have. Winners either have a great hand or the ability to finesse their opponents. What every player knows is that trump cards rule; even a “two” has the power to take a King. Like trump in bridge, the smallest gift, when offered in Jesus’ name, has the power to do great things.
Dearest Lord, accept the gifts we offer to further the work of the gospel. In these difficult times may what we share help those in greatest need in our community, our nation and throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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