Monday, June 6, 2011


Our Gracious Creator, we are mindful of the trials and tribulations suffered these last few weeks by folks enduring weather that has devastated their lives. We are skittish and baffled as we hear about tornados rampaging and tearing through places that have never seen a tornado before. We wonder about the whys and wherefores of the devastating floods, tsunamis and earthquakes that seem to be plaguing the earth. In the same moment we realize that every thing in nature is interconnected. Everything effects everything. May we learn from the synchronicity of nature that everything we think, say and do effects the lives of everyone around us. Lead us Lord toward holiness as we strive to follow Jesus’ specific instructions, always to proclaim the Good News, to forgive with abandon and repent often. When we get wound up — remind us of the tornado; when we get agitated — remind us of the earthquake; when we get impatient —remind us of the flood waters that refuse to recede. Make each of us your peaceful ports in the storm. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Gracious God, we have come into this sanctuary, seeking to be more aware of your presence with us, more intentional in our effort to be in connection with you. This our Sabbath day calls us to attend most diligently to your will and way for us, challenging us to live truly as disciples of Jesus. Because you first loved us, we are compelled to say thank you, and so we are glad to present these offerings today, gifts from our grateful hearts. Bless them to their best use in your name. Amen.

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