Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 19, 2011 "Peace As The World Gives"

Glorious God, our Abba Father, on this Trinity Sunday we ponder the meaning of divinity, and the connection that is the oneness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three flow in and through each other. We see that as three YOU are one in purpose, one in substance and one in presence always. We are ever grateful for the ways you have given us to receive your presence in our lives. From the moment of our birth our reflexes cause us to search for a connection to the source of warmth and nourishment. As we grow and mature we continue to search but now for approval and encouragement in order to thrive on this earth. Let us not be so confident in our independence that we forget your grace, mercy and love. Today and someday, Lord, give us stamina to truly love our children, to accept who they are and encourage them as you have always sought to encourage us. Teach us your ways of restoration and reconciliation. Let us be guides and comforters, visionaries and fellow dreamers always willing to learn. Life in this world is full of challenges guide us ever onward with your strong yet gentle hand. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
We give you thanks O Lord, for this wonderful day. Today we are going to do something marvelous in your name with these gifts offered form our most grateful hearts. These gifts will help bring Peace with Justice to the earth. They will feed the poor and secure release for the captives. They will support ministries of healing and reconciliation to the glory of your name. Bless these gifts, we ask you, in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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