Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 11, 2011 "WHO'S GETTING THE MESSAGE?"

Glorious God, Our Creator, on this glorious Sabbath day, we come into your presence offering our thanks and praise. Warm our hearts to your presence as we seek to recognize your face in the faces of those around us. We confess a sense of distance from the message of the Advent season, perhaps because waiting has not been our strong suit. And, too, O Lord, we can get so caught up with the dizzying expectations of all-things-Christmas, that your true message for humankind gets lost in the shuffle. O God, while we are busy being here and being there, for this celebration or that benefit, or this concert, or that party, remind us to look up; to search for your promise in the stars, the promise of Emmanuel who will most certainly come to us. Amen.
What is Good News to you? Is it that the Stock Market is booming? Is it news from your Doctor that your blood pressure is under control? Is it the news that your child was accepted to the college of his or her choice? The Good News to be heard, received, embraced and proclaimed throughout the world, is the true manna from heaven. It is not news that caters to your individual wishes, wants and needs, rather it is the Good News of Luxuriant Grace, Infinite Love, and boundless Hope promised, poured out and revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. Now, Pass it on.
Gracious God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we offer with cheerful hearts. As we continue to ponder the meaning of the Advent Season, we pray that your message of salvation and purpose will be fully revealed to us. Our tithes and offerings are meant to honor you. But equally important are the gifts of our time, participation, prayer, service and witness. We will give the gift of time and presence, this season, to someone in need. We will do this to honor the coming of the Christ Child, in whose name we pray. Amen.

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