Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter 2011 April 24th "GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN"

Gracious God, oh what a glorious morning this is! Our hearts are triumphant. Our spirits are full and we are all aflutter with the grand good news of Christ’s resurrection. Let us not be haughty or matter-of-fact in our response to your promise fulfilled as if it is nothing new or belongs to some distant past. Christ’s resurrection is an everyday reality; the unmatched, unchangeable gift of your forever love for humankind. We strived, during these 40 days of Lent, to learn and discern your will for us and to follow the path of true discipleship. We have listened and participated; we have been in fellowship with each other; we have sought to love and serve our neighbors. Like the disciples who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, we have been holding our breath, waiting to exhale. Your message for all the world is clear today. The tomb is empty, and life, with all of its ups and downs, is given a whole new meaning. We are to embrace it — embrace it today. Like the women who arrived at the break of day, we are confounded and yet relieved, sorrowful and yet uplifted, excited and yet cautious. Your incredible gift arrived on the wings of your promise fulfilled and our response must be to take a leap of faith. In the instant we trust that, with you, all things are possible we find a renewed strength and stamina we never knew possible. Dearest Lord, today you have made all things new and the sting of death is no more. Hear us pray as Jesus taught us: Our Abba Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

The significant journey through Holy Week is finished today. The journey we undertook was about promises made and promises fulfilled. The journey was a painful one as we moved through Christ's passion. He gave us assurances by showing us how he trusted in God and how he followed through with God’s will for him, sacrificing EVERYTHING for us. We have but a moment in this time of worship to acknowledge Christ’s sacrifice and to give thanks for God’s brilliant demonstration of love and power in the resurrection of the Christ. Let our response be more than generous, ensuring that others throughout the world will one day be able to celebrate the promise made, and embrace the promise fulfilled.

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