Monday, December 15, 2014

December 7, 2014 "WHO WILL PREPARE YOUR WAY?"

We believe in God, the giver of life and grace, whose wondrous acts of mercy
and love offer eternal hope in a troubled and hurting world.
We believe that Jesus came to us as God’s love, God’s hope and God’s gift to humankind.
Jesus is present among us still and always, because he lives in our hearts.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who whispers words of hope, peace, joy and love to ALL.
We believe in Christ’s church, the living body of Christ in the world, to which we belong.
We believe that we are called to minister to God’s people in Jesus’ name and for his sake,
today and tomorrow as this is, once again, the beginning. Amen.
Wondrous and Merciful God, as we ponder your presence with us this morning, we dare to ask that you imbue us with a spirit of peace. We confess that this week has been one of some frustration with traffic tie ups and roads closed because of the rains, along with untimely road repairs. For many who are out and about driving their cars in the wet and rain road rage became a reality on this side of the mountain. Because getting from one place to the next has taken 3 times longer than usual, with greater effort than expected, tempers are short. Some of us were even tempted to lean on our car horns throwing caution and common sense to the wind. Give us patience, gracious LORD, while we wait . Cause us to consider those whose plight is to stand, sit, lie down, and sleep in the rain, wet and cold. Let us not become inured to the needs of those all around us; let us hold each other in prayer while we are waiting. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
One of the most beautiful Tenor Arias in Handel’s Messiah and in my opinion one of the most beautiful ever written. It is based on the Isaiah 40 passage: Comfort Ye, My People. It begins as a loving lilting lullaby, the soothing voice of God as if holding a tiny infant close in his arms, invites us to be comforted. As the aria progresses its as if God’s voice cannot contain the excitement of what he has to say to his people and the aria morphs into a triumphant almost jolly piece as the tenor sings, “Every Valley, Every Valley shall be exalted (lifted up) and every moment and hill made low. The crooked will be made straight and the rough places a plain. It is God promising that the path his people must walk in this life, they will not walk alone. The Glory of the Lord is about to be revealed. Surely it is here in this place that we embrace the comfort God promises and gives.
Gracious God, these gifts are an act of worship as important as praying, singing and attending to your word. Ever seeking to discern your will and way for us, our hearts are full as we labor side by side with our brother and sister Christians. As you have entrusted us with much, we respond in kind, lending our hearts and hands to heal a broken and hurting world. Help us build ministries that glorify your name, empowering us to serve wholeheartedly in Christ’s name. Amen.

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