Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 24, 2014 "WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH THE BABY?"

Glorious God, this is a night we look forward to the year round. The lights of welcome shine in our streets and our sanctuaries beckoning to you, proclaiming our sincere adoration, praise and thanksgiving for all your wondrous deeds. Here is where the hustle and bustle of the days leading up to this night come to an end. We fix our hearts and minds upon the Christ child. We confess our need to be reminded, why we have given special significance to this season. The colorful lights that adorn our homes both inside and out symbolize the light that was coming into the world. They beckon to you announcing that we are ready to be your children of light, to receive into our hearts the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace, our Emmanuel. In this sanctuary we are reminded that it is the birth of our savior and Lord Jesus that calls us to declare this season holy. Let us linger here washed in the light of your love, resting in yet another of your promises fulfilled. We thank you, O God for this precious gift, of yourself, come down to earth, love lying in swaddled in a bed of straw. We are humbled by your willing vulnerability and innocence. Tonight, Dearest Abba Father, in heaven, we hallow your name offering our thanks and praise. May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We ask no more than our daily bread and that you forgive our faults and trespasses, empowering us to forgive the faults and trespasses of others. Let us not be overcome by the temptations of the world, and deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
As God has given us the gift of the Christ Child, so too we honor God, offering our gifts so that people throughout the earth will have the opportunity to hear what we have heard, to know what we have come to know and receive the blessings and assurances we have received.
Wondrous God, giver of the greatest gift of all; bless the gifts we have brought to your service. May they help to transform lives and brighten the hearts of all the people we seek to serve throughout the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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