Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 21, 2014 CHOIR CANTATA "LOVE CAME DOWN" by Joel Raney

We believe in God, the giver of life and grace, whose wondrous acts of mercy
and love offer eternal hope in a troubled and hurting world.
We believe that Jesus came to us as God’s love, God’s hope and God’s gift to humankind.
Jesus is present among us still and always, because he lives in our hearts.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who whispers words of hope, peace, joy and love to ALL.
We believe in Christ’s church, the living body of Christ in the world, to which we belong.
We believe that we are called to minister to God’s people in Jesus’ name and for his sake,
today and tomorrow as this is, once again, the beginning. Amen.
Loving and Merciful God, fill us this morning with the brightness of your presence, that we may reflect the true light of your being. Protect us in our travels wherever we are headed, whether we are driving, flying, biking or walking to visit with those dear to us, or just to see the sights of your wondrous creation. We confess that most of us are looking forward to our journeys in the days ahead. But as we go, remind us, O LORD, of the long, arduous journey of Joseph and Mary who traveled, not for pleasure. Help us remember that they were obliged to make their way to Bethlehem for the express purpose of being counted in the Roman Emperor’s tax census. Let us be humbled by the determination of Mary and Joseph, to do the will of God and endure the law of the land. There was no bitterness, resentment, or frustration when the time came for Mary to give birth. We pray that you will give us hearts like Mary’s to do and be your servants in this world. All this we pray in the name of the Christ child, born for us and for all. Amen.
There is a feeling in the air this year. Folks are embracing a spirit of goodwill. They are once again joining in, paying it forward and participating in random acts of kindness. At least two friends have reported that when they arrived at the drive up window of their favorite fast food restaurant the cashier reported that their meal had already been paid for by the person in line just ahead of them. In turn, they bought the meal of the person in the cue behind them. According to the cashier it had been going on all day. A few years ago I took a photo of a lone red Christmas bulb hanging on the limb of a denuded (that’s winter-naked) tree outside the Starbucks in my neighborhood. By the second week of December I noted that no Christmas bulb appeared on the pitiful little tree by the drive-up window, so I decided to bring a decoration from home and place it on the tree. One or two people saw me. Last Monday when I went for coffee there were three more Christmas bulbs on the tree keeping my bulb company. We could say that the Christ child was God’s random act of kindness. Let him be born in us anew today.

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