Monday, December 15, 2014

December 14, 2014 "WHO CAN TESTIFY TO THE LIGHT?"

We believe in God, the giver of life and grace, whose wondrous acts of mercy
and love offer eternal hope in a troubled and hurting world.
We believe that Jesus came to us as God’s love, God’s hope and God’s gift to humankind.
Jesus is present among us still and always, because he lives in our hearts.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who whispers words of hope, peace, joy and love to ALL.
We believe in Christ’s church, the living body of Christ in the world, to which we belong.
We believe that we are called to minister to God’s people in Jesus’ name and for his sake,
today and tomorrow as this is, once again, the beginning. Amen.
Gracious God of ALL, Wondrous Sovereign of the Universe, Giver of light, life and joy, when we come into your sanctuary we are gladdened as we feel the thrill of your presence. We are strangely warmed by the welcoming voice of an usher, the embrace of friend, or the eager smile as somebody who makes room for us in the pew right next to them. Dearest Lord, we confess that in this troubled world, when confronted every minute by crisis oriented news, we are comforted by the gaudy trappings of the holiday season. When we look at the bright and twinkling lights and the gentle flicker of the Advent candles, we trade in the angst for nostalgia. We are thankful as we take a moment to linger near the smell of pine on a real wreath. We chuckle as we recall bright red pajamas with feet, divinity, ribbon candy, fudge, and kindness that seems to overflow from everyone everywhere. We indulge ourselves singing our favorite carols at the top of our voice while driving. We thank you, gracious God, for memorable moments that restore not only our trust in you, but our trust in each other. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to buy gifts all year round. I see something and say to myself, “so and so would really like that; I will buy it now and give it to him or her for Christmas or their birthday.” When the birthday or Christmas comes around, I have forgotten about the gift that I knew, So and So, or What’s His Name, or Fulana de Tal, would treasure. Inevitably I find them in a bag or a box in that special spot, in my guest room closet, obviously reserved for future gifts. I guess what I need to learn is not to save gifts for future giving, reserving them for the right season or the right occasion. If someone is on my mind and in my heart, perhaps the gift ought to be given in the moment with no special occasion in mind. God’s gifts to humanity were never designated for a special time or season. They were given to us because God was had us in mind, and hoped we would treasure the gift in the moment and always. We are the ones who gave God’s occasion its special significance.

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