Wednesday, August 6, 2014

June 29, 2014 "So When Are the Rest Of You Really Going To Trust Me?"

We believe God is neither distant nor far off, never casual or detached, but always vigilant and searching to be a part of our lives.
We believe God knows all of the sorrows and trials the human heart bears in a lifetime. Because God did not abandon Jesus in death, but raised him from the dead; we are assured that God will not abandon us even if we should abandon ourselves.
We believe God’s Holy Spirit is poured out in fullest measure
upon all who boldly seek God.
This Spirit fulfills God’s hopes for us that we might know joy in this life and the next.
We believe that we are part of God’s creation mosaic, in all our diverse shapes, sizes and colors. Each one of us is an integral piece of a vast and gloriously expanding puzzle, which has no fixed boundaries up, down, behind or before.
We are the church and we are grateful. Amen.
Glorious God, our most Loving and Gracious Creator, we give you thanks for this new day, which brings with it another opportunity to worship you in the company of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Those of us who helped out with Vacation Bible School are so very grateful for your inspiration as we spent time helping our children discover the important part you play in all of our lives. Participating in such an adventure we can all be reminded how truly you are the worker of wonders. We admit that when things look complicated we can tend to anticipate the worst, and are always amazed when the wonderful happens. Remind us that we are the ones who choose. We can worry or we can put our trust in you, but we can’t do both. Keep us on course by your ever-presence with us and hear us as we pray the prayer your Christ taught us.
Rev Amanda writes: “My tax man told me it was time for me to establish a living trust so that when I die my assets will not be tied up in probate court. He gave me that homework assignment on March 17th to complete by tax time next year. I am usually pretty trustworthy with homework assignments, but it’s June and Friday the 13th and I haven’t started my assignment. Imagine my relief when I started to study up on these Living Trusts and learned that I could name myself as Trustee and manage my own assets. Great! I can also name a co-trustee who can take over when I just can’t figure it out anymore. I realized that we, as members of the body of Christ, are all trustees of Christ’s church. Every time we baptize a child or welcome a new member, we promise God that we can be trusted to care for the church and our brothers and sisters in Christ.” Think of yourselves as God’s co-trustees! The ushers will now come forward to collect the offering.
Gracious God, bless these offerings as a message of your grace and mercy for all the world. May they speak loudly of our faith, our commitment and our trust in your will and way for us. May our gifts work for your kingdom; bringing relief, assurance and comfort to your children. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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