Wednesday, August 6, 2014

July 20, 2014 "GROW UP ALREADY"

Gracious and Loving Abba Father, pour your energizing, revitalizing Spirit of goodwill upon us this morning as we worship you in joy and wonderment. We are awed by the works of your hands and the preciseness of your creation. We are aware that we cannot ignore our role in sustaining the balance of nature and, in turn, the integrity of the universe. Help us to be better, more conscientious stewards of the resources you provide. Make us understand and let us teach our children that our food is not grown in cardboard boxes, harvested complete with special sauce and pickles. Remind us that it is your earth which yields the food that nourishes the animals we consume, the brightly colored vegetables and delectable fruits we treasure — enough to feed the world. Inspire us, we pray, with wondrous possibilities. Keep us from apathy and ignorance in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Rev. Amanda writes: Measuring growth is done in lots of ways. My father made a measuring guide out of a 4 inch wide sheet of steel which he bolted to a door threshold. He measured our height, marked it off with a pencil and wrote our names next to the mark. When we moved, it went with us. After my father died, my younger brother began using it to measure the height of his children. Diplomas from high school, college and graduate school measure intellectual growth. Bank balances measure fiscal growth, budgetary prudence and saving fortitude. But how does one measure congregational growth? Some people count heads, others view the bank balance, others look at what is happening, at how often and how many cars are in the parking lot. However, when all the numbers are recorded, I believe the measure of true growth is the spiritual confidence a congregation offers to those who come in search of sanctuary. Keep up the good work! The ushers will now come forward to receive your offerings.
Gracious God, bless these offerings to be a message of your grace and mercy for all the world. May they speak loudly of our faith, our commitment and our trust in your will and way for us. May our gifts work for your kingdom; bringing relief, assurance and comfort to your children. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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