Wednesday, August 6, 2014

July 13, 2014 "SOWING IN GOOD SOIL"

Glorious God, Gracious Sovereign of the Universe, we come into this sanctuary conscious that we are in search of something. Perhaps we are looking for a place to rest and get cool away from the heat outdoors. Perhaps we have come searching for a few moments of respite for our weary stressed-to-the-max-souls. Maybe it is human contact we long for, or a word of welcome and arms that will embrace us without hesitation. Some of us must confess that we haven’t a clue what to expect from this worship experience, but we intend, no matter what, to be nourished on your word and the communion elements. We are confident that our spirits will be renewed in the company of this family of faith, for whether we are strangers or friends, we are bound together in trust and love by our faith in Jesus Christ. Hear us, as we pray the prayer that your Christ taught us.
Rev. Amanda writes: “I am by no stretch of the imagination a gardener, but ever since I was challenged by that community garden idea back in January, I have gone on some different reading adventures. While reading Barbara Kingsolver’s book “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle,” I realized just how far removed we all are from recognizing and comprehending the source of the foods we eat, or just how much fossil fuel is expended in bringing the food to us. Did you know there are people who have collected and guarded ancestral seeds, passed down through farming families from generation to generation? They are called heirloom seeds, and with these seeds it is actually possible to grow a 19th century vegetable garden, medicinal herb gardens—for simple home remedies, kitchen herbs and more. Churches, like good gardens, are a labor of love passed on from generation to generation. They must be tended well for them to grow and continue to yield a good harvest.” The ushers will come forward to receive the offering.
Gracious God, bless these offerings as a message of your grace and mercy for all the world. May they speak loudly of our faith, our commitment and our trust in your will and way for us. May our gifts work for your kingdom, bringing

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