Wednesday, August 6, 2014

July 6, 2014 "BOUGHT THE T-SHIRT"

We believe God is neither distant nor far off, never casual or detached, but always vigilant and searching to be a part of our lives.
We believe God knows all of the sorrows and trials the human heart bears in a lifetime. Because God did not abandon Jesus in death, but raised him from the dead; we are assured that God will not abandon us even if we should abandon ourselves.
We believe God’s Holy Spirit is poured out in fullest measure
upon all who boldly seek God.
This Spirit fulfills God’s hopes for us that we might know joy in this life and the next.
We believe that we are part of God’s creation mosaic, in all our diverse shapes, sizes and colors. Each one of us is an integral piece of a vast and gloriously expanding puzzle, which has no fixed boundaries up, down, behind or before.
We are the church and we are grateful. Amen.
Most Gracious and Loving Lord, how ironic it is that on this very weekend when we celebrate our nation’s independent ideals, we need to acknowledge our dependence upon you. Apart from your grace and your goodwill, we would still be wandering in the wilderness, worshiping golden calves. We must, however, confess our fears. As we age we are afraid of losing that independence we so cherish. We are afraid of losing our health and our ability to choose for ourselves. O, most Merciful One, when we are overcome and frustrated by the stresses and strains of having to take driving tests, defend our pharmaceuticals, sort out which tests will or will not be covered by our health insurance, help us surrender our wearying worry by taking upon our shoulders the lighter yoke offered to us by Jesus. Hear us, now, as we pray the prayer your Christ taught us.
Rev. Amanda writes: I receive a myriad of catalogues in the mail and most of them don’t make it into the house; they go straight into the recycle bin. However, the catalogues that offer T-shirts, with clever sayings on them, sometimes make it past the front door. It’s not the shirt, but the message that draws my attention. I have been known to buy the T-shirts with really sarcastic messages for my older brother. He introduced me to the website known as “” — they boast an array of colorful de-motivation posters like: “Mercy” “Teach every child you meet the importance of forgiveness. It's our only hope of surviving their wrath once they realize just how badly we've screwed things up for them.” Or “Challenges” “I expected times like this - but I never thought they'd be so bad, so long, and so frequent.” I think it’s safe to say we become Christians so cynicism doesn’t get the better or best of us. The ushers will now come forward to receive your offerings.
Gracious God, bless these offerings as a message of your grace and mercy for all the world. May they speak loudly of our faith, our commitment and our trust in your will and way for us. May our gifts work for your kingdom, bringing relief, assurance and comfort to your children. We pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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