Saturday, March 25, 2017


We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, who grants us grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world can separate us from the love of God,
who willingly forgives the repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who came to live with us and taught us to choose life in his name.
We believe that Jesus took the burden of our sins upon himself and carried them to the cross,
where he gave up his own life for our sakes. This was his ultimate gift to humanity.
We believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and that he will come again one day
to take us to himself.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is present with us, offering
good counsel and truth in every language. When we willingly embrace the Spirit’s presence, our hearts are warmed,
and we are transformed.
As the church, Christ’s body in the world, we are called to a ministry of service,
working for justice and reconciliation.
Most generous and merciful God, each of us enters this sanctuary with different expectations of our time spent in worship. For some our desire is to set down the heavy burdens we carry and rest our spirits for awhile. As we pray for the healing of body and soul, give us the courage to leave our burdens behind. For those whose desire is to discern your will for us as the body of Christ and as individual members of that body, we pray for openness as we encounter change along the way. May we be ever grateful for this day and this moment in time. Infuse us with the confidence that Jesus had in you, so we may serve you faithfully and joyfully without hesitation. Let us embrace every triumph, large or small and help us embrace new beginnings. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
One of my favorite candies growing up came in a purple box. It was called Good and Plenty. We recently became re-acquainted on a road trip to Phoenix. It’s amazing, in an age of skimping, there is still plenty of candy in the box. The box is heavy with candy, filled right up to the top, in a time when most containers are, maybe, 3/4 full. Since the 13th century the word “Plenty” has meant: “as much as one could desire; abundance.” Today the expression: “That’s plenty” seems to mean: “You can stop now; that’s more than enough.” When you look at the brimming offering plate as it is brought forward for a blessing, do you say: “Now, that’s plenty.” Truth be told $8000.00 per week adds up to almost enough.

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