Wednesday, March 1, 2017

February 26, 2017 "ELIJAH HAS ALREADY COME"

In the beginning, God poured out goodness, mercy and love on every living thing,
and does so still today.
God’s word is ever near us, on our lips and written upon our hearts.
We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives, and our confession of faith in him
is our salvation.
We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was not the end of his reign.
God raised him from the dead, as promised.
In Christ, there is no distinction between Jew and Greek.
We believe that the same Lord is Lord of all, generous and gracious to all.
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us from birth to death,
and is eager to guide us through life’s maze of decisions and choices.
We believe in the Church; Christ’s body in the world.
As the Christ’s disciples, we are called to be and proclaim the good news.
For it is certain that faith in the Christ comes from what is heard about him.
Thanks be to God!
Wondrous and Loving Lord, how glorious it is to worship you in the company of those whose hearts meld with yours, when we sing and pray together, when we ponder your word for us and commune with your Christ. Indeed, our time together is a gift that renews our spirits and revitalizes our commitment to ministry in Jesus’ name. Pour out your blessing upon all of our efforts to proclaim your good news and shine your light of hope and healing for our community, the nation, and the world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Lately, I am determined to simplify my existence. Some people call it downsizing, I am calling it a general purge. I confess I am pretty sentimental about my stuff and remember who gave me what and when, even the things in my office. Alex Vergara gave me the large colorful wooden cross hanging on my office wall 35 years ago. Sue gave me the wooden clown pencil holder on my desk 30 years ago. Roby Brady gave me the sampler on the wall just inside my front door 20 years ago. Twelve years ago Mariana gave me the Nun doll that sits on top of my curio cabinet and Nancy gave me the Mezuzah that adorns the door frame entrance to my garage. What I must learn is this: I don’t need their gifts in order to treasure the people who gave them to me. They are already affixed to my heart.

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