Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 1, 2017 Ash Wednesday " NOW INCLINE ME TO REPENT"

We believe in God who brought forth every living creature from dust and nothingness.
God designed the sun, the moon, and the stars as the special lights which reveal
the awesome colors of creation as each day begins and ends.
We believe that Jesus was the beloved Son of God. He was
begotten to love, teach, free, heal, and save humankind.
His greatest desire was to show us how to love God and each other.
He gave his life as a pardon for our sin. When God raised him from the dead,
we understood and embraced the promise of eternal life.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s special counselor sent to warm our hearts,
walk by our side, and give us the language of glory.
The Spirit invites us to dance the dance of transformation, sing songs of praise,
and give thanks to the One who loves us without reservation.
We believe in the Church that gathers our hearts as one moving us
ever onward as we work for the Kingdom of God. Thanks be to God.
Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, with humble and contrite hearts we enter this sanctuary on this Ash Wednesday to journey with Jesus toward Jerusalem. We shall walk the path of repentance prayerfully, lifting up our own spiritual needs and those of others. Try us and challenge us during these 40 days of Lent to invest some effort in recovering our souls. Let us cultivate an even deeper faith and help us stay the course. We understand that we are choosing transformation. We may fast; we may serve; we may study. Keep us alert, and may our efforts bear good fruit. Let us not be distracted in our pursuit by the demands of the world. Empower us to love with a heart like Jesus, and to wait upon you with trust like his as we pray the prayer that he taught us. Our Abba Father, who art in heaven; we hallow your name above all. May your kingdom come and your will be done upon the earth as it is in heaven. We ask no more than the food we need to nourish both body and soul. Please forgive our trespasses, fumbles and faux pas, and teach us to forgive the same in others. Let us not be overcome by the temptations of this world, and keep us from evil we pray; for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.
The season of Lent calls us to turn and return to God; to look at ourselves in the mirror that God holds up before us. It is a time to reflect on how much of ourselves we are investing in our relationship with God and neighbor. Lent is not about making a list of our sins and checking it twice. Neither is it a time for obsessing over disappointments and failures. Lent provides us with the opportunity to examine our priorities and become better followers of Jesus. Lent is always a season for decision making; so I invite you to decide. Choose a spiritual discipline to practice for the next 6 weeks. Take 30 minutes apart from your regular day, at least three times a week to pray, or fast, read the scriptures, or offer to serve in one of the church’s ministries. Write down your commitment on the card in your bulletin. Carry it with you for the next 40 days and let it accompany you on your journey.
Gracious God accept these gifts of thanks and praise for your steadfast love and mercy. Create in us clean hearts and put within us a right and loving spirit. Empower us to turn away from sin and toward you. Lead us in lives of service worthy of your calling and worthy of the cross. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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