Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June 28, 2015 "SPIRIT UPGRADES"

Gracious and loving God, this is a wonderful day of renewal for this church. How very blessed we are to have gifted church members, and the financial resources, to give our fifty year old sanctuary the face-lift it needed. Changes bring challenges, and so we will be ready for next steps should they come. Our desire and ever present hope, gracious God, is to be the place of welcome and spiritual renewal for all who find their way into this sacred space. Let the sense of newness that surrounds us today fill our hearts with joy. Let us see clearly the possibilities and opportunities open to us as servants of your Christ. Whenever we gaze upon water, let us be reminded of our baptism. Whenever we see a bird in flight, let us be reminded of your high soaring presence. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Yesterday I was at a church yard sale. What was being sold and given away were the church’s furnishings. You see, a few years ago the church failed. No one seemed able to kick start its spiritual engine. When a merger with another church failed, the remnant members just walked away. Some still have not found a new church home. Last Wednesday I sat with the clergywoman who pastored that little church for three years. Working a second job to make ends meet, she fought mightily to save the church, to the detriment and collapse of her own health. She cried openly over the loss. Be reminded that every time we receive new members we vow again to uphold the church by our prayers, our presence, our service, our witness and our gifts, repeating it loud and clear (that’s 5 by 5). Walking away is just not an option.
Gracious God, let us be moved by your Spirit always, recognizing and acknowledging how you prod us into action. We pray never to take this church, or this family of faith, for granted. When we are absent from the body, help us to remember that our gifts sustain our ministries. Through our gifts we are offering our thanks and praise for your incredible generosity. May we never fail, but continue to thrive and grow as we become better disciples of Jesus. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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