Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 26, 2015 "ABOUT THE BOY"

We believe in one true God, the beginning of all that is, the gracious and merciful creator of the Universe, beyond planets, galaxies, solar systems, time and space.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born the Son of God, the light of the world, the prince of peace, the bread of life. We believe Jesus was the incarnation of God, the living message of redemption for all and that by his willing sacrifice we have been given new life.
We believe that Jesus was raised from the dead as the radiant sign of God’s promise fulfilled. We believe that there is nothing in all of creation that can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who breathes life into the body of Christ, the church, prodding us ever onward toward the fulfillment of God’s kingdom upon the earth.
Incredible and Awesome Creator, we are attentive to your presence with us and reverently offer this grateful prayer. We confess how astounded we are by the vastness of your universe, the delicious bounty and the beauty of this earth we call home. Help us to be models of good stewardship, daily conscious of our part in preserving, not squandering the resources, you have consigned to our safekeeping. When we find ourselves faced with a challenge or a problem that seems insurmountable in the moment, help us to discover the spirit of possibility that dwells in each of us. It may be that what we can contribute will be just the thing to turn the tide for the good of all. We give you thanks and praise in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Does your conscience wrestle with you about spending money, saving it or giving it away. I have a friend whose Dad used to open every piece of mail that arrived in his mailbox and sent money to every charity that requested a donation. He didn’t wonder if the charity was worthy or their mission sound. He didn’t calculate what percentage of his donation would be used to cover administrative expenses and overhead; he just wrote checks, trusting that those who received his gifts would use them for good. He was also blessed with a daughter who saw to it that his habit of giving did him no harm.
Gracious God, let us be moved by your Spirit always, recognizing and acknowledging how you prod us into action. We pray never to take this church, or this family of faith, for granted. When we are absent from the body, help us to remember that our gifts sustain our ministries. Through our gifts we are offering our thanks and praise for your incredible generosity. May we never fail, but continue to thrive and grow as we become better disciples of Jesus. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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