Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 12, 2015 "3-M DISCIPLES"

We believe in one true God, the beginning of all that is, the gracious and merciful creator of the Universe, beyond planets, galaxies, solar systems, time and space.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born the Son of God, the light of the world, the prince of peace, the bread of life. We believe Jesus was the incarnation of God, the living message of redemption for all and that by his willing sacrifice we have been given new life.
We believe that Jesus was raised from the dead as the radiant sign of God’s promise fulfilled. We believe that there is nothing in all of creation that can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who breathes life into the body of Christ, the church, prodding us ever onward toward the fulfillment of God’s kingdom upon the earth.
God of Glory, Grace and Peace, energize us for this church’s ministry of welcome and reconciliation in Jesus’ name. Remind us that we do not minister alone. When we are flummoxed by the doubters and naysayers who want to limit your grace, let our mouths shout forth your praise. Let your Holy Spirit speak through us as with the Apostles on the Day of Pentecost. We are instruments of love and mercy, so we dare to ask that you will give us words that can melt the hardest heart and open wide the closed mind. Let our efforts bring transformation to the church and healing to people in every corner of the world. We believe in the power of prayer, the power of presence and the power of persistence. Keep us headed in your direction, in the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
When he was in his 20s Rev. Amanda’s uncle Bud joined the Merchant Marine, and arrived home with a tattoo, which he kept covered for the rest of his life. Today people seek out what is referred to nowadays as “ink, pieces, skin art, tattoo art, work, tats or flash.” They get marked for a variety of reasons: decoration, declaration, identification, for medical reasons, permanent make-up reasons, and functional reasons. Some Alzheimer’s patients are tattooed with their name in case they get lost wandering. In his letter to the Ephesians Paul wrote: “When you believed in Jesus you were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit.” Maybe you can’t see it, but it’s there. The ushers will now come forward to receive the offering.
Gracious God, let us be moved by your Spirit always, recognizing and acknowledging how you prod us into action. We pray never to take this church, or this family of faith, for granted. When we are absent from the body, help us to remember that our gifts sustain our ministries. Through our gifts we are offering our thanks and praise for your incredible generosity. May we never fail, but continue to thrive and grow as we become better disciples of Jesus. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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