Wednesday, February 6, 2013


When I was in grade school learning such essentials as the days of the week and the months of the year, two things made me scratch my head - and I am pretty sure I remember my teacher saying "Don't ask why.": Why was there an "nes" in the middle of Wednesday when we all
pronounced it "Wendsday" and why was there that extra "r" in February, when we all pronounced "Febuary"?

I decided to look up some stuff about February. According to the Wikipedia: "February comes from the Latin term februum, which means purification. Februa is a
purification ritual (also called Februatia or Februalia the festival of purification). "In ancient Rome the festival was held on February 15 (full moon). I am pretty sure most of us never thought of the ancient Romans as folks who indulged in rites of purification, but apparently they did and with vigor. Ovid the Roman poet who lived between 43 BCE and 18 CE wrote of Februa as being "anything used to cleanse our bodies in the time of our unshorn (unkempt, disheveled, hairy) forefathers. The month is called after Februa because the Roman Priests called Luperci went about purifying the whole ground with strips of hide, their instruments of cleansing. Our parents believed that every sin and every cause of illness could be wiped out by rites and purgation." This ritual purification festival continued through all the days of the month -- 28 days. The wealthy devoted themselves through the entire month cleansing body and soul in preparation to begin the New Year on the first of March. (In the ancient Roman calendar February was the last month of the year, not the second.) Some authorities say that the pagan god Februus (former day Mr. Clean)got his name from the festival not the other way around.

Our Lenten season 2013 begins on WedNESday FebRuary 13th. You hear this every year from me, but it is always worth repeating. The forty days of Lent in our Christian Tradition are marked by "fasting, both from foods and festivities, and other soul and body cleansing exercises. There are three traditional practices which Christians are to embrace heartily in the Lenten season: prayer (signifying justice towards God), fasting (signifying justice towards self), and almsgiving (acts of charity signifying justice towards neighbor). It is important to remember that there are 3 things we are accountable for, not just one. 1. Some people will participate in a Lenten study, or read the Bible daily, and remember to pray. 2. Some people will choose to fast by giving up a vice like alcohol, gambling, cigarettes or sweets. We can fast from many things: impatience, busyness, television, television sports (The Super Bowl happens before Ash Wednesday) and more. The acts of justice toward neighbor are something we add to our lives during the 40 days of Lent. Invest your time in acts of neighborliness during Lent and see how the world around you starts to change. Why not take the next few days to think about how you will "Februate" yourself during Lent.

Ash Wednesday February 12, 2013 is your day to decide on your Lenten extras.


Rev. Amanda

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