Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 17, 2013 "THE ORDEAL"

A Lenten Affirmation of Faith *
We believe in God who, from dust and nothingness, brought forth this earth, and all that dwell hereon. Light and dark, are the special effects God has chosen to reveal the
awesome colors of creation as each day begins and ends.
We believe in Jesus the beloved Son of God, begotten to love, teach, free, heal and save humankind. He sought to show all people how best to love God and one another.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s companion-gift sent to warm our hearts, walk by our side, and give us the language of glory to honor God all the days of our life. This Spirit invites us to dance the dance of transformation and sing songs of thanks and praise to the One who loves us without reservation.
We believe in the Church that gathers our hearts as one prodding us, by the truth of Christ’s resurrection, to serve God and work for good. Thanks be to God.
Today, Gracious God, we come as pilgrims on a journey through the 40 days of Lent. We are grateful for this season and the opportunity we have to focus our attention on the quality of our relationship with you. Help us to discern what will be our spiritual best practices. In this time remind us that we are meant to discover new ways to do justice to you, justice to ourselves and justice to our neighbor. We understand clearly that the path of discipleship is never easy, but it is hardest when we try to go it alone. Keep us mindful that you are not far from us. Never let us forget that sometimes the best practice for our spirit is to find that quiet place away where we can, in wonderment, ponder all of the good you offer. Ever turning ourselves toward you we pray for your continued blessing in the name of the Christ. Amen.
In the church nobody holds our feet to the fire to be responsible to our covenant with God. All too often the temptation facing us is to let the world dictate the course of our lives in such a way that we put our faith on the back burner. A perfect example is that immediate sense of alarm we get when a creditor calls telling us we are 30 days behind in paying a bill. We will liquidate assets to get that bill paid probably because they are recording the conversation in order to hold our feet to the payment fire, if we don’t come across. There are folks who feel that sense of alarm when they aren’t able to be here to present their offering to God. God Bless you!
Lord, Bless these gifts gratefully acknowledging our covenant with you and our commitment to keep it vital and alive. Transform these tithes into instruments of peace, liberty, rescue and goodwill. May they bring light into someone’s darkness, as we seek to serve you in all our work, at all times, in all places, as often as ever we can. May the work of our hands, the prayers of our hearts, and these gifts witness to your unreserved presence in our lives. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

* All Prayers, Offering Statements, Affirmations of Faiths, Newsletter Articles, and Sermon Texts included in this blog are the original work of Rev. Dr. Amanda Burr unless otherwise stated.

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