Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 3, 2013 "THE RESIST" Part 2 of Luke 4

Loving God, we give you thanks for always being within prayer distance. We need only whisper your name and we trust that you are immediately tuned in. We confess our frailties, O Lord, and ask your pardon. Sometimes we make awful mistakes. They haunt us and keep us awake at night. We pray for a way out, a way to take the mistake back, to reverse time and make it so it never happened, but such is not possible. We turn to you, O Lord, for patience, and understanding. Heal our brokenness, we pray. Release our tormented spirits and give us respite from our fault. You are the great forgiver. We cleave open our souls to receive your forgiving love. We know you will help us to move on toward the better day. We give you thanks and praise in the name of the Christ. Amen.
To resist means to stand, behind or against, to take a stand. During WWII The French Resistance was lauded as a courageous group of men and women who took a stand against Nazi aggression. In our personal lives we pat ourselves on the back when we resist temptation. It is a good thing when our bodies build up a resistance to infections. We are known to have resisted the call of God and change; the warning of the prophets, and even the good news because we didn’t like who God picked to be its beneficiaries. I invite you to resist the temptation to let the offering plate pass you by. It is always an opportunity to work with God.
O Lord, your church has sought to transform people’s lives for centuries. Let us be those who offer blessing and hope, challenge and choice, respite and comfort along with some spiritual jostling when complacency settles in. Bless the gifts we bring. May they be put to work, today for the good of the earth and people everywhere. Let these gifts deliver opportunities for many along with your gospel good news of a better day. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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