Tuesday, August 15, 2017

August 13, 2017 " WHO DO YOU TRUST"

We believe in God the creator of the universe, and loving Abba Father who breathed life into us and gave the earth into our care.
We believe that Jesus is the incarnate word of God, messiah and man,
who lived and died for our sakes.
When Jesus was crucified, he spoke words of forgiveness just before his death.
God raised him from the dead as promised calling all who follow to believe in the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus first loved us, we carry him in our hearts, and his name is ever on our lips.
This loving savior promised we would not be left orphaned and alone. We receive the Holy Spirit as the companion he promised, our counselor of truth, and advocate.
We believe that the Spirit speaks the language of redemption to our souls.
As the church, Christ’s body on earth, we gather spiritual strength from our unfettered worship of the Abba Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.
Refreshed and renewed we work out our salvation, side by side, united in heart, body and mind ministering in Jesus’ name to all the world.
Gracious God, let us for a moment marvel at your constancy, your undying affection for humanity, and your unwavering patience. As members of the human race, we must confess that we have not held up our part of the covenant, serving as proper caretakers of the planet on which we dwell. We feel, at times, that some members of the human race are runaway rebels and rogues, out to take what they can for themselves, before someone else takes it. Oh, most loving and compassionate God, when we are skittish about putting our whole trust in you, allay our anxiety, inspire us with purpose, and let Christ reign supreme in our hearts. Clothed in the Christ, may we stand strong for the sake of the earth and all her creatures. Amen.
Before Johnny Carson hosted The Tonight Show, he hosted the game show “Who Do you Trust?” from 1957-1962. Originally named “Do You Trust your Wife,” contestants were couples vying for the $500 prize and a chance at the “bonus round.” Quiz questions were about sports, current events, history, etc.. The husband was asked if he would like to answer the question or if he trusted his wife to answer it. It was the 50s. In 1962 Johnny moved with his side kick, Ed McMahon to The Tonight Show and they continued working side by side for the next 30 years. McMahon’s natural gregariousness was the counterpoint to Carson’s shyness. What was the key to their success? Do you suppose it trust or faith? Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or strength of someone or something. Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. The well-being of Christ’s Church in the world depends a great deal upon the trust and faith of those who attend her.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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