Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 27, 2017 "BE TRANSFORMED"

We believe in God who in the beginning poured out grace, mercy, and love on every living creature and still does so, today.
God’s good word is ever near us, on our lips and written upon our hearts.
We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives. Our confession of faith in him is our salvation.
We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross was not his end, rather it was our beginning.
God raised him from the dead, as promised, the Christ to reign in us.
In Christ, there is no distinction between native or alien, male or female.
We believe that the same Lord is Lord of all, generous and gracious to all.
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be redeemed.
We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us from birth to death, and is eager to guide us through life’s maze of decisions and choices.
We believe in the Church; Christ’s body in the world.
For it is certain, that faith comes from what is heard about the Christ.
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be and proclaim the good news as it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
Gracious God, as the desert summer season draws toward its close, the busy-ness of our lives is already ramping up. Kids return to school, and the easy traffic patterns of July and August already seem to have become more hurried and congested. Soon it will be harder to get a table at our favorite eatery. And too, we await the return of our brothers and sisters who have been traveling, or spending the summer in cooler climes. We have felt their absence from the body, and look forward to their return. Watch over us all gracious God in this year of transition and change. Keep strong in the Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
When God went walking in the garden of Eden, in the cool of the day, hoping to spend some quality time with Adam and Eve, God called out: “Where are you?” Adam and Eve were hiding behind a rock because they had done the very thing God had instructed them not to do. They had tasted of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was an eye-opening experience resulting in their immediate sense of embarrassment as they noticed they weren’t wearing any clothes. One might be temped to conclude that the first knowledge dispensed by the notorious tree, had to do with appropriate attire in Eden. Genesis 3:21 attests to God’s preference for the utility and look of leather, rather than fig leaves, and so fashioned leather garments for the couple to wear. Even though God booted Adam and Eve out of Eden, their ability to learn, to become knowledgeable, and therefore to be transformed was not taken from them. Let’s never forget what we have been allowed to keep.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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