Monday, June 1, 2015


We trust and affirm that each of us is created in the image of God.
God’s grace is immeasurable, and God’s will for us is always goodwill.
We believe that Jesus Christ lived to forgive, to heal the broken hearted, and proclaim God’s love to the world.
We believe Jesus bore our shame, carrying our sins to the cross where he surrendered his own spirit to God in order to set our spirits free.
God promised that Jesus would not be given up to death, and true to that promise God raised him from the dead.
We trust in the counsel of The Holy Spirit who guides us in our efforts to live out the
commandment to love one another as Christ loved us.
We believe the Holy Spirit moves us ever onward toward perfection.
Thanks Be To God! Amen
God of Grace and glory, we bask in the brightness of your presence, confident that your will for us is to see clearly the path of discipleship that is open before us. Embracing the teachings of your Christ we seek to glorify your name in all that we do and say. We confess that it is not easy following in the neighbor-loving footsteps of Jesus. Too often, we stumble over our own impatience, trip over our own pride, and find ourselves caught in a whirlpool of righteous indignation, certain that we are right and everyone else is wrong. Remind us, gracious LORD, that the bottom line of all that we do, is to glorify your name. Let your light shine upon us and within us. Let us be a beacon to those searching for new life, for purpose, or a way to serve you. Let us be the spiritual home that offers renewal for those spent or disillusioned by the demands of this world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
The word “glorify” comes from the Latin verb glorificaré meaning, to praise honor and extol, but the Greek word that appears in the scripture, translated into the Latin and anglicized to glory and glorify is δοξάζω pronounced doxadzo also meaning to honor, to extol to praise, to make illustrious, to clothe in splendor, and to cause the dignity and worth of someone to become manifest and acknowledged. On the vast majority of Sundays, following the receiving of the offering, we sing what is called the Doxology a relatively young song of praise written in 1674. The Gloria Patri that became dominant during Nicaean Christianity of the 4th century was known as the lesser doxology praising, extoling and acknowledging in equal measure the members of the Trinity. Our offerings equate with sacrifices presented to the Lord and are intended to put God in a blessing mood. I am confident that song singing helps our cause.
Gracious God, we ask your blessing upon the gifts we set before you today. We view the presentation of these tithes and offerings as an act of worship and a thankful response to your incredible generosity. Through these gifts the ministry of Christ’s church can thrive and grow as we thrive and mature in our discipleship. Your empowering and gracious presence is ever at work in our midst and by this we shall glorify your name. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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