Friday, June 12, 2015


It was the Spirit of God who moved over the face of the waters,
and brought into being the world.
That same Spirit breathes life into us today.
It was the Spirit of God who conceived a Messiah, the Son and beloved One.
His very name meant salvation. He was our Emmanuel; God with us.
When Jesus gave up his life for ours, he entrusted his Spirit to God’s hands,
and God, the creator of life, raised him from the dead.
It was the Spirit of God who poured into the hearts, minds and mouths of the Apostles
the language of salvation empowering them to tell the stories of Jesus to all the world.
And it is the Spirit of God who moves in and through the Church, the Body of Christ,
empowering us to witness to the truth of Christ, in loving service to all.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Loving Lord, we believe in the power of prayer, knowing that you are present with us, attentive and listening in the very moment we call upon your name. Your Apostle, Paul taught us to be persistent in prayer, never letting go of it’s power to link our own spirits with yours. We confess the clumsiness of our prayers. All too often they sound like wishes, but we are assured by your word that the Holy Spirit translates the best sense and intention of our prayers. We ask you now, to pour out your Spirit of comfort, and all things possible upon each member of this congregation. Ease the burdens they carry and empower them for ministry. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Mark tells us that Jesus was not didactic in his approach to teaching, but taught through the use of parables. Parables may seem simple in their content, but their truth is compelling. It wasn’t new way of teaching in Jesus’ day. Storytelling was one of the staples of Rabbinic Judaism. All of us have learned life and object lessons through stories written by the Brother’s Grimm, Mother Goose and Aesop. Some of their yarns were funny, filled with magic and whimsy, others were full of danger and foreboding and still others were full of hope and goodness. Parables use the seemingly ordinary to reveal the extraordinary. The parable of the mustard seed teaches us that what seems ever so miniscule and tiny is NOT of no consequence. You may see your gift as small, but in God’s hands it has mustard seed potential.
Gracious God, we believe you are at work in each of us. It is your Holy Spirit that moves us to be generous and so we ask you to pour our your blessing on the gifts we set before you. We give to support the ministries of the church. These tithes and offerings are an act of worship and a thankful response to your incredible generosity. May this church continue to thrive and grow as each of us seeks to mature as true disciples of Jesus. Help us recognize your empowering and gracious presence at work and let us bring glory to your name. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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