Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Day January 1, 2012 "STRANGERS IN TOWN"

Glorious God, we have arrived at the first day of the New year almost breathless, realizing that the frantically commercial Christmas, "daze" is over and it now time for us to move on. Wee might begin again or furn and focus our attention, once again, on the requirements of everyday. We are relieved in many ways. Yet, at the same time, we want to linger in the aura of goodwill that is th mark of Christmastime. Bless us, gracious God, with "Christmas hearts" able to carry the shining light of the Christ with them all year long. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Have you made a resolution for the New Year? I am asking you to resolve to support the church in 2012. Some of you may not know how to cultivate a giving habit. It's just like cultivating any new habit. If you resolve to walk 3 days a week, you have to start walking. If you resolve to quit smoking, you have to stop buying cigarettes. If you resolve to support this church, you have to determine an amount to give and give it--without fail. We have 261 members plus regular attendees and visitors. Our annual budget is $350,000, most of which goes to pay salaries. Only two individuals on our staff are full-time; the rest are part time. All have college degrees, Bachelors, Masters degrees and Doctorates, and years of experience, which is evident in the work we do. Our congregation is are growing and maturing everyday. Please, help us stay on course.
Most High God, bless these offerings from the work of our hands to yours. As we begin the new year, we will be resolute in our efforts to put you first in our lives. Keep us ever mindful that true blessing comes with the knowledge that we have done something worthwhile in the world for the sake of all people on earth and to give glory to your name. Receive these gifts and multiply them for good. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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