Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 8, 2011 "THE MOVING VOICE"

Glorious God, today we remember and reflect on the meaning and significance of Jesus’ baptism. He gave himself over to the water of baptism, seeking to know your will for him. As he knelt in the water, he partook of the baptism of repentance and renewal offered by John the Baptist. We are left wondering why Jesus joined the multitudes in this soul cleansing immersion. We confess that we have not thought much about our baptism into the body. If we were infants when we were baptized, we can’t recall the event. Nevertheless, we can remember significant events in our spiritual journey, times when we were aware of your closeness, times when you revealed to us your love and abiding presence. We seek your pleasure, O God and accompany Jesus today. Speak to us as you spoke to our savior. Let your voice move in us as it moved upon the waters on the first day or creation. Re-create us today, gracious God. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
I got a brand new catalogue in the mail the other day. All the after-Christmas-sale prices were marked in red along with 40% & 30% off flags in the pictures of the items. I have to ask, if you can sell the item for that price after Christmas, why not before? Maybe it’s the psychology of the word “sale” that promises to sell the item, not the actual sale price. I wonder what would happen if we put a sign out on the lawn announcing our “After Christmas Sale: Worship 1/2 off — this Sunday only”. Who knows someone might just decide to come shopping.
God we ask your blessing upon these tithes and offerings. They are just one way by which we tell of our devotion to you. We pray that they will assist the wider church to work miracles in the lives of those we cannot see or touch, but who we know are in need throughout the world. Amen.

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