Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Prayer for the Sermon on Thanksgiving November 22, 2009 "Giving Good Measure"

Sovereign God, our creator and redeemer we offer our deepest thanks for all that you have bestowed upon us. We confess that there are times when we take our comparative good fortune for granted and for that, and more, we humbly beg your pardon. Help us, Lord; inspire us, Lord to love and serve you so to heal broken hearts, give purpose to flagging spirits, and encouragement to those who are building their connection with you everyday. Thank you for walking among us in the person of Jesus Christ and showing us by his example how you want us to live and love in this world. Let us be those who discover that every time we give you thanks the light of Christ within glows ever brighter. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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