Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Prayer for the Sermon on December 6, 2009 "The Hidden Gift of Giving"

Wondrous and Loving God, our desire is to understand the steps we must take to accomplish peace in our world, in our time, in our lives and in our relationships. We confess that most often when we meditate on the word peace, our thoughts gravitate to visions of a world without conflict, a world in which people can readily let go of their prejudices and misunderstandings, and work as one for the well-being of all. When we think about inner peace our thoughts move in the direction of tranquil states or quietude. In truth dear Lord we spend a lifetime searching for that peace that passes all understanding, even the peace that is found not in a tranquil soul, but that which is found in the vital and energized human spirit ever connected to yours. Make us leaders in service to your Christ in whose name we pray. Amen.

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