Sunday, July 5, 2009

Prayer to Accompany Sermon July 5, 2009 "TWO DAUGHTERS"

Gracious God, this weekend we remember the decision our fore parents made to declare their independence from those who governed them from far away. We are mindful that in the struggle to be a free and independent nation, like any newborn child we had to develop, learn, and mature. We confess that even though we are much older now, we have not always acted wisely, or more grown-up. We certainly do not have all of the answers to the problems that confront us and the mistakes we make today have far reaching effects throughout the world. Each time we have gotten too big for our britches we have been humbled, made aware of our need for and dependence on your wise counsel. We pray, O God, that you will help us to proceed with caution when we are incensed, to hold our tongues when silence better serves the cause of humanity and to always be willing to lend a hand in spite of our own burdens. As the author of change, Loving Lord, let our continuing reformation be in response to your leading. Focus our thoughts, our actions and our attention on your will, your vision and your mission for us. In the name of the Christ we pray.

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