Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Prayer for the Sermon on May 3rd "Recognition and Remembrance"

Dearest Lord, today we celebrate our being together in one service again. We greet the faces of those we have missed and extend a hand and open our hearts to those whose faces are new to us. Open our eyes to recognize and embrace the light of Christ shining in those who will affirm their faith and make their commitment to Christ’s church and this congregation this morning. Let us unabashedly celebrate the triumph of faith that is Mark Thallander and the glorious gift he shares with us in this time of worship. We pray that his music will continue to flow forth into the world. We thank you, God for all of the ways we can embrace your grace in sacrament, song and prayer, for the gift of renewed faith inspired or prayed for arriving often in the moment we least expect it. We thank you for the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper through which your most wonderful grace is mediated. And we thank you for the life, love, and sacrifice of Jesus who became for us the bridge across a great spiritual chasm. He took our stained hands and placed them in yours making them clean once again. Like the two on the Emmaus road let our hearts be strangely warmed in the miracle of the bread and the cup. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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